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Book clubs are one of my favorite things. I'd enjoy discussing my novels with your book club or other favorite organization. Email me at [email protected] or via "Lynne's Guestbook" to let me know how I can help.
You can find my novels in familiar places. Ebook, paperback, and large print editions of my books are available online at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. If you prefer, check with your local independent bookstore or your local library--you might have to ask them to order it!
Book clubs are one of my favorite things. I'd enjoy discussing my novels with your book club or other favorite organization. Email me at [email protected] or via "Lynne's Guestbook" to let me know how I can help.
You can find my novels in familiar places. Ebook, paperback, and large print editions of my books are available online at Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo. If you prefer, check with your local independent bookstore or your local library--you might have to ask them to order it!
Until next time, best wishes and good reading!